Saturday, February 12, 2011


For animation we were asked to focus on a certain character this quarter be it a certain type of person or an animal. I chose puppies and here is some of what I have so far. I really need to be sketching more but action drawing is quite challenging. Good thing I'm (hopefully) taking a class on that next quarter.

Friday, February 11, 2011

I really enjoy drawing hands. I mean what could possibly be more convenient they're always right there just waiting to be drawn and they can be so expressive! So here are some nice little hand drawings I'd say they took somewhere in the neighborhood of 5 minutes per hand give or take.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

The Daily Sketch

Or something like that. But that's what we're going for here so that's good. As of the moment it's a bit late and I don'thave a camera so I'll just start off with some old sketches of my mom's mom and dad.