Thursday, May 31, 2012

Project 4- Non-Standard Shading

I really wanted to get an interesting mix of 2D and 3D here so I incorporated image projections with cell shaders to get the aesthetic I was going for. Though cell shading is still very very new to me, the idea still interests me. As I experiment with it I would like to see the different directions I could take it in. At this point I'm beginning to consider non-standard shading for my senior film.

As far as this image goes, I feel happy with it overall but I will be testing a few things out to see if I can get better results. Mostly the procedural granite is what's bugging me. I'm going to try to replace it for the most part with grain images of my own. Also I want to try playing with saturation just a tad more. Honestly, this image could change quite a bit but I'll post anything new that happens. Stay tuned!

Also, here's some awesome style inspiration I've found.
Backwater Gospel
Mighty Antlers

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